Sound activist and musician Charles Hayward returns with his popular evening of music that pushes at the edges of the new, challenging the already known, questioning frontiers and embracing divergent energies.

Drummer, songwriter, sound activist Charles Hayward was a founding member of the experimental rock groups This Heat and Camberwell Now. Moving forward Hayward has recorded solo projects of songs and imaginative sound worlds, performing throughout UK, Europe, North America and Japan. Zigzag+swirl is a solo set of drums, voice, zigzag and swirl, songs in quantum funk, never the same twice, no click, no fixed zero-point. The music does not exist in its own orbit. It is completed by ears, minds, bodies, the interplay between intent and perception. From This Heat to now: Forward Music!

This event will feature strobes and/or severe flashing lights.

Line up to be announced soon.