Albany Membership is for people with an interest in the arts and the local community, who wish to contribute to the ongoing success of the Albany by helping to provide good, strong governance. Becoming a Member of the Albany enables you to nominate and vote in the election of the Board of Trustees at our Annual General Meeting each year. Find out more about our Board of Trustees by following this link.
Becoming a member is easy and only takes a few minutes – please download and complete an application form and return by post to: Ceri Payne, Administration Manager, The Albany, Douglas Way, Deptford SE8 4AG, or by email using the contacts to the right.
An application form with large print is also available.
Alternatively you can pick one up from reception during opening hours.
Annual General Meeting
As a member of the Albany you are entitled to nominate and vote in the election of the Board of Trustees at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).
We invite members and audiences to join us to celebrate the achievements of the past year at the Albany and hear about our plans for the future.
This is an opportunity to meet everyone involved with the Albany, feedback thoughts and ideas, and ensure that the Albany continues to fulfil its mission.
Top image shows audiences for an outdoor event at the Albany. Photo Vipul Sangoi.
Membership form 24/25
Membership of the Albany is for people with an interest in the arts and the local community who wish to contribute to the ongoing success of the Albany by helping to provide good, strong governance.

Be a part of the Albany
Become a memberBecoming a Member of the Albany enables you to nominate and vote in the election of the Board of Trustees at our Annual General Meeting in January each year.