Our latest news plus blogs from staff, artists and more.
Browse our latest news and blog posts below. Our blog posts come from a wide range of contributors, some of them are about our work – events, partnerships or projects – some of them are about stuff happening in the arts or our local area.
We hope you’ll find something to interest you and we love comments and conversation so feel free to post them on the blog pages or get in touch on email or social media. We’d also like to hear from you if you have an idea for a blog or you’ve written something you’d like to appear here.
Top image from a performance of NoFit State Circus and Motionhouse’s BLOCK in Fordham Park. Photo by @TheSnapshotCafe.
We are closing from Thursday 5 November
Mon 2 Nov 2020
Following the Government announcement about new restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we will be closed to the public from Thursday 5 November until Wednesday 2 December. We will be in touch with bookers of shows that have been cancelled as soon as possible. You can also contact us
We need your support – donate today and help secure our future
Tue 13 Oct 2020
The Albany needs your support The current COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown has had a massive impact on our ability to generate income and we expect to lose over £900,000 this year. Despite the circumstances, we continued to work throughout the crisis, delivering projects for members of our community with
Lewisham’s winning bid to become the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture, ‘I AM LEWISHAM’ was based around ‘cultural activism’ and the power of art and culture to change lives. As an organisation with close ties to the local community, we will draw on our wealth of partnerships both locally and
Announcing our autumn season of events
Thu 17 Sep 2020
We’re celebrating our local area and supporting artists with a season of socially-distanced, COVID-safe events for the Autumn including music, spoken word, theatre, cabaret, online events and family fun. As we continue our commitment to build a programme in collaboration with the community, one of the first events will
Our reopening and new safety measures
Fri 11 Sep 2020
(last updated 2 June 2021) To ensure the health and wellbeing of the public and our staff we have introduced new safety measures for anyone visiting: One way system: A clearly marked one
Could you be our Artist of Change?
Thu 10 Sep 2020
We believe that the arts are uniquely placed to connect communities, celebrate their immense collective power, and create positive social change, and with our friends at ARC Stockton we are putting our money where our mouths are and creating an experimental project led by artists. You will be working