Our latest news plus blogs from staff, artists and more.
Browse our latest news and blog posts below. Our blog posts come from a wide range of contributors, some of them are about our work – events, partnerships or projects – some of them are about stuff happening in the arts or our local area.
We hope you’ll find something to interest you and we love comments and conversation so feel free to post them on the blog pages or get in touch on email or social media. We’d also like to hear from you if you have an idea for a blog or you’ve written something you’d like to appear here.
Top image from a performance of NoFit State Circus and Motionhouse’s BLOCK in Fordham Park. Photo by @TheSnapshotCafe.
SIMON MOLE – interview for Mole & Gecko: THE SHOW
Tue 5 Feb 2019
1. Tell us about this new show and your own involvement and role in it? It’s called Mole & Gecko: THE SHOW. It’s an interactive rap musical for children and families about a Mole and a Gecko who make a show (as well as being about a mole and
GECKO – interview for Mole & Gecko: THE SHOW
Tue 5 Feb 2019
1. Tell us more about this new show, and your own involvement and role in it? Mole & Gecko: The Show is an adventure story down a river that the audience help us create. I’ve brought my guitar to add to the poetry table. Simon has a rap background so
Q: How did the idea for Big Up! first come about? We were inspired by the success of our last collaborative show, The Broke N Beat Collective, which was aimed at young adults. We wanted to develop a new show which used these forms specifically for 3 to 6-year olds
When did you first become interested in writing plays? I never had drama lessons at school. And we never read any plays either. After leaving primary school, I didn’t have an English lesson for 2 years because of a teacher’s strike and a staff shortage. So, the world of
Albany ‘Rebels’ Commissions Announced
Tue 15 Jan 2019
We received over 100 applications for the open call commissions and the standard was exceptionally high. So high in fact that we were initially offering 4 commissions, but we have now committed to six. We are also excited to be supporting an additional 9 projects or artists that applied to
A Theatre Trip for Every Child: New Film
Sat 12 Jan 2019
Exciting news on our spring plans for our campiagn to provide a free theatre ticket to every child in Lewisham is coming soon too so watch this space.