Our latest news plus blogs from staff, artists and more.
Browse our latest news and blog posts below. Our blog posts come from a wide range of contributors, some of them are about our work – events, partnerships or projects – some of them are about stuff happening in the arts or our local area.
We hope you’ll find something to interest you and we love comments and conversation so feel free to post them on the blog pages or get in touch on email or social media. We’d also like to hear from you if you have an idea for a blog or you’ve written something you’d like to appear here.
Top image from a performance of NoFit State Circus and Motionhouse’s BLOCK in Fordham Park. Photo by @TheSnapshotCafe.
The Albany Win Funding to Launch Lewisham Young People’s Hub
Wed 19 Dec 2018
We’ve been awarded just over £385k by the Big Lottery Fund to expand our work with and launch a creative hub for young people across Lewisham and beyond. The project will begin in January 2019 and take place over the next three years, establishing a gateway to the creative
Q&A with FANS playwright Nina Berry
Tue 30 Oct 2018
Can you explain the story of FANS? This is the story of what it means to be a true music fan. The passion, the obsession, the lengths you find yourself prepared to go for that one artist or band who you simply couldn’t imagine your life without. This is the
A New Home for New Music in South London
Wed 10 Oct 2018
As I travel down to Cardiff for the PRS Foundation’s Talent Development Conference it feels like a great time to share the story of how we are developing talent in New Music at the Albany in Deptford and working to make us the home for New Music in South London.
Matt Abbott on his show ‘Two Little Ducks’
Wed 3 Oct 2018
I guess it was the same for a lot of people at some point in 2016. I’d find myself scrolling through articles whilst I was stood in train vestibules; or catching a snippet on the news when I was back at my parents’; or seeing the odd report on Twitter
Fun Palace Call-Out for Deptford Lounge
Thu 6 Sep 2018
The Albany is home to Fun Palaces, an ongoing campaign for cultural democracy, with an annual weekend of action every October. There is one month to go until the 2018 Fun Palaces weekend and we’re looking for a community group to take over Deptford Lounge with a Fun
Money Matters – How the Albany earns and spends its income.
Mon 14 May 2018
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about transparency in the arts, and how venues could work better with artists. As part of that I promised the Albany would publish an explanation or how our finances work. We made a few discoveries along the way, not least how