Our latest news plus blogs from staff, artists and more.
Browse our latest news and blog posts below. Our blog posts come from a wide range of contributors, some of them are about our work – events, partnerships or projects – some of them are about stuff happening in the arts or our local area.
We hope you’ll find something to interest you and we love comments and conversation so feel free to post them on the blog pages or get in touch on email or social media. We’d also like to hear from you if you have an idea for a blog or you’ve written something you’d like to appear here.
Top image from a performance of NoFit State Circus and Motionhouse’s BLOCK in Fordham Park. Photo by @TheSnapshotCafe.
Being Business Development Manager, Q&A with Rob Fellman
Fri 11 May 2018
How would you describe your job? My job is perhaps seen as being on the less glamorous side of Theatre, but is far from it! I have the daily privilege of speaking with and meeting people from all walks of life, from aspiring theatre companies to business executives, and from
Being Bookings Coordinator, Q&A with Lilly Hannell
Tue 8 May 2018
How would you describe your job? Challenging. How did you get into the arts, and this particular career? I always loved theatre so started working for an Actors Agent, and then because of that experience I got a job at the Birmingham Rep. I left the arts for
We think that it’s great that these talented individuals are being given the opportunity to perform in in a professional environment, and we want to aid the next generation as much as possible in their attempts to break into the often competitive arts industry. In this spirit here is our
Being Box Office Manager, Q&A with Rebecca Mead
Wed 2 May 2018
We hope to provide you with some insight into possible career paths, show you the wide variety of arts careers out there and offer some advice of how to break into this competitive industry. Here is our interview with Box Office Manager, and organiser extraordinaire Rebecca Mead… How would you
Being Head of Creative Programmes, Q&A with Rachel Nelken
Tue 24 Apr 2018
We know how difficult it can be to break into the arts industries, there are few paid entry level positions and the competition is high. Therefore during the lead-up to NT Connections we will be interviewing individuals holding some of the most senior positions within our organisation who will hopefully
Five steps to a fairer deal
Thu 5 Apr 2018
Independent artists often talk publicly about the inequities of touring in the UK, the unfair pay, the reluctance of venues to take risks, the lack of communication.