Launched in 2013, Fun Palaces is an ongoing campaign for cultural democracy, with an annual weekend of action every October.

Their small and brilliant team achieve a vast amount through their hard work and their network of Makers, Ambassadors and communities. We aim to make that a little bit easier by providing their infrastructure – especially when they’re trying to be in several different places at once every October.

The campaign promotes culture at the heart of community and community at the heart of culture.

The weekend of action uses the combination of arts, craft, science, tech, digital, heritage and sports activities, led by local people for local people, sharing their own passions and skills, as a catalyst for community-led transformation, with active participation for all ages.


Weekend of action numbers since they started in 2013 :

2014 : 138 Fun Palaces made by 3,183 local people with 40,000 participants

2015 : 142 Fun Palaces made by 2,079 local people with 50,000 participants

2016 : 292 Fun Palaces made by 4,800 local people with 124,000 participants

2017 : 362 Fun Palaces made by 13,750 local people with 126,000 participants


Visit the Fun Palaces website for more information.

NEW ROLE: Fun Palaces Co-ordinator