Lewisham Homes manages 19,000 homes in Lewisham, operates its own repairs and maintenance company and employs more than 450 staff. It is undertaking a major investment programme to improve homes and local communities as well as building new homes in the borough.
Further information can be found on their website: lewishamhomes.org.uk
The partnership supports a range of youth and family programmes, including the award-winning Love2Dance, and we’ve worked together to initiate new projects such as community food growing and expand our programme of work for isolated older people across the borough. We also host special events at the Albany such as youth showcases and Lewisham Homes’ annual garden party.
Specific Activity includes
Exclusive Discounts for Residents
Lewisham Homes residents can access most performances and events at the Albany for £2 per ticket for under 16s and £5 for adults. Up to six tickets can be purchased per household and your first visit is FREE. To book, call the Albany box office or call in at the Albany so we can verify your address.
All of our participation programmes at the Albany are also free to Lewisham Homes residents – from arts courses and masterclasses for young people in the summer holidays to year round clubs, courses and classes for all ages.
Find out more about our events and courses by browsing Shows and Events and Get Involved or call the Albany Box Office on 020 8692 4446.
Meet Me at Lewisham Homes
Meet Me at… and social housing provider Lewisham Homes have worked in partnership over the last four years, delivering creative sessions in Independent Living schemes run by Lewisham Homes.
In 2016, we were awarded Celebrating Age funding by Arts Council England to commission specific artistic projects in the heart of peoples homes and communities. This allows arts projects co-created with communities to happen where isolated, older people live. Regular sessions with professional artists who are passionate about the communities they work with take place in six month blocks with other activity year round.
From the beginning of the project to 2020, there will be sixteen separate projects in communities throughout Lewisham.
One participant said:
For more information visit the project page or contact meetme@thealbany.org.uk.
The free street dance programme for young people led by Lewisham Homes residents has been further developed and supported by the Albany so more young people across the borough can benefit. It has grown fourfold since the launch of the partnership with sessions at three sites and regular trips, showcases and performances. Love2Dance also recently the Youth London Award for arts and culture.
For more information visit the project page or contact Love2Dance@thealbany.org.uk.
The Albany Garden
The Albany garden is focused around food-growing and encouraging people of all ages to learn about where there food comes from and get outside and active. Thanks to the partnership, all of the sessions (including materials, kit and plants to take home) are free to participants. Find out more information on our Get Involved page.
Top image shows a Meet Me at Lewisham Homes session. Photo Roswitha Chesher.