Why do we wear what we wear, and what stories do our clothes tell?  

Through creative collaboration, we’ll reflect on how clothing shapes our personal and collective identities. 

Together, we’ll explore creatively and collaborate to produce outputs such as short dance videos, collages, textile work, writing pieces and more to create an interactive installation that will be shared with the wider community in Southeast London and Leeds.  

We especially welcome members of the LGBTQIA+ community to join us in this queer-run, inclusive space. Whether you’re an artist, a storyteller, a fashion-enthusiast or just curious to explore your creativity or pick up a new skill, this is your chance to share your unique perspective and be part of an exciting creative collaboration. We want to hear your stories! 

Sign up here


These workshops takes place during our weekly youth takeover, Come As You Are. Come early and hang out in the Albany CaffA with games, snacks and table tennis.

This project is led by an interdisciplinary team of artist facilitators, including Elena Alava Hilgert, Sjaan van de Langenberg, Ashley Lim, Tom Hobden and Jess Wear. The project is in collaboration with The Albany, Maritime Museum, London LGBTQ+ Community Centre, Yorkshire Dance, Bijou Stories, Trinity Laban and Staying Out Collective and funded by Arts Council England.